The Human Development Company.....
                                                                        ......quietly changing people's lives
Saving A Marriage - Saves A FamilyTM


THDC is conducting FREE live events and webinars called Forever Love for couples participating in coaching and counseling work. The events are designed to allow couples to share the victories they achieved using the revolutionary ideas they learn about love with other engaged, married and couples in long term relationships. These are highly interactive events filled with communication exercises and discussions to teach the secret of nurturing your loved one with consistent, unconditional love. Not to mention the great food. These are all by invitation only.

Saving a Marriage - Saves a Family was launched by Psychotherapist Stefan Deutsch and The Human Development Company (THDC) to reduce divorce rates 20% by 2020 in the USA. The program focuses on couples in sound relationships as well as helping those stuck to enrich their relationships and reduce their chances of divorce.

We all know that divorce is much like those healthy people who drop dead on the golf course. It always seems to sneak up on people. Main cause – we tend to dismiss a spouse’s complaints because we don’t know how to handle them. Divorce also rips families apart, damaging children, causing poor school work and job performance, financial strife, with the ripple effects reaching much wider than just the nuclear family.

Check out our upcoming events for couples.
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